Please check that you are one of my constituents before you contact me by entering your postcode here. ​
If your issue relates to Preston City Council or Lancashire County Council, then please approach your Council representative. You can find your representative by clicking the links below:
If your issue relates to parliamentary or national issues, please feel free to contact me. Please explain the issue as clearly as possible and include all relevant information, including :
your full name
postal address including postcode
contact telephone number
the name of the organisation that you are having issues with
reference numbers (if applicable)
relevant dates
further names, addresses and dates of birth of other affected individuals (if relevant)
If your email contains sensitive information that you do not wish to be disclosed to a third party, please indicate this clearly in your email.
Please email me at
If you would prefer to write to me, my correspondence address is:
Sir Mark Hendrick MP
House of Commons